巧合? 不可思議但確實是真的...
WHO FIGURED THIS OUT? 誰會理解? INCREDIBLE 太不可思議了! 1) Fold a NEW PINK $20 bill in half... 將一張新的粉紅色 20元鈔票對摺 2) Fold again, taking care to fold it exactly as below 小心的 如下所示再摺疊 3) Fold the other end, exactly as before 再摺另一邊 如下所示 4) Now, simply turn it over... 現在將紙鈔翻面 ( 是否很像911 那天燃燒的... 如右下圖所示) What a coincidence! 多麼的巧合啊! A simple geometric fold creates a catastrophic premonition printed on all $20 bills!!! 藉由簡單的摺紙, 可怕的災難都預告在 20元的紙鈔上! COINCIDENCE? YOU DECIDE. 巧合嗎? 你(妳)說呢!? As if that wasn't enough. Here is what you've seen... 看來這還不夠, 看看更勁爆的... Firstly The Pentagon on fire... 首先看到了 燃燒中的五角大廈 Then The Twin Towers. 接著看到了 失火冒煙的 美國世貿中心雙子座大樓 ..And now . look at this! 現在注意看! 又出現了 蓋達國際恐怖組織 首腦賓拉登的名字 (歐薩瑪)! TRIPLE COINCIDENCE ON A SIMPLE $20 BILL 三重的巧合出現在 20元的紙鈔上 It gets even better!! 9 + 11=$20!! 若將 20 拆成 9 + 11 解讀"20元鈔票 和911災難"的關係 就更有意思了!! This is too interesting to pass up! 這實在太有趣了 讓人欲罷不能! |